Uncovering Frank Trigg’s Impressive Net Worth: From UFC Champion to Successful Entrepreneur

Frank Trigg is an American mixed martial artist who has made waves in the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) and other organizations. Apart from fighting, he has also ventured into entrepreneurship and has built a successful career outside the octagon. In this blog post, we will uncover Frank Trigg’s impressive net worth and explore his journey from being a UFC champion to a thriving entrepreneur.


Frank Trigg was born on May 7th, 1972, in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. He started his wrestling journey in high school and eventually became an All-American wrestler at the University of Oklahoma. After graduating, Frank joined the UFC in 2000 and quickly rose to fame as a skilled welterweight fighter. Apart from the UFC, he has also fought in other organizations, such as Pride FC and Strikeforce. However, Frank’s success didn’t stop in the octagon as he also ventured into other endeavors, including acting, punditry, and entrepreneurship. Let’s dive into the various aspects that have contributed to Frank Trigg’s impressive net worth.

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Frank Trigg’s Fighting Career

Frank Trigg’s fighting career spanned over a decade, during which he became a UFC Hall of Famer and a two-time UFC welterweight championship contender. According to sources, he has earned over $450,000 from fighting alone. Additionally, Frank has also garnered a massive following from his fighting career, which has paved the way for his successful post-fighting ventures.

Frank Trigg’s Acting and Punditry Career

After retiring from fighting in 2010, Frank Trigg ventured into acting and punditry. He has appeared in various TV shows and movies, including Scorpion King 2: Rise of a Warrior and Jack and Jill. Additionally, he has worked as a commentator and analyst for various UFC and Strikeforce events. According to sources, he has made over $150,000 from his acting and punditry endeavors.

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Frank Trigg’s Entrepreneurial Ventures

Apart from fighting, acting, and punditry, Frank Trigg has also ventured into entrepreneurship. He is the co-founder of Fusion CBD Sports Water, a company that sells CBD-infused sports drinks. Additionally, he has also invested in different ventures, such as real estate and cryptocurrency. These ventures have reportedly contributed significantly to Frank’s impressive net worth.


Q1. What is Frank Trigg’s net worth as of 2021?
A1. Frank Trigg’s net worth is estimated to be around $1.5 million as of 2021.

Q2. How long did Frank Trigg’s fighting career last?
A2. Frank Trigg’s fighting career lasted for over a decade, from 2000 to 2010.

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Q3. Apart from fighting and entrepreneurship, what other ventures has Frank Trigg pursued?
A3. Frank Trigg has pursued acting, punditry, and investing in ventures such as real estate and cryptocurrency.

Q4. What is Fusion CBD Sports Water?
A4. Fusion CBD Sports Water is a company co-founded by Frank Trigg that sells CBD-infused sports drinks.

Q5. What has Frank Trigg’s involvement in the UFC been beyond fighting?
A5. Frank Trigg has worked as a commentator and analyst for various UFC events.

Q6. What other fighting organizations has Frank Trigg fought in?
A6. Frank Trigg has also fought in organizations such as Pride FC and Strikeforce.

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Q7. What is Frank Trigg’s educational background?
A7. Frank Trigg is an All-American wrestler who graduated from the University of Oklahoma.


In conclusion, Frank Trigg’s impressive net worth can be attributed to his various endeavors, including fighting, acting, punditry, and entrepreneurship. His journey from being a UFC champion to a successful entrepreneur is truly inspiring, and it is a testament to what hard work and dedication can achieve. From the information we have gathered, there is no doubt that Frank Trigg’s net worth will only continue to grow as he embarks on new ventures. If Frank Trigg can do it, then so can you!

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