Friends is a very popular TV series which everyone loves to see. It’s funny and we can learn good English from it. We will today learn some great English techniques from this TV series.

For example, we can learn about good manners and good language skills. Good manners are important to be able to be friendly and be liked by others.

Today we will not only discuss the TV series, but we will discuss how our friends can help us too. It will be a detailed discussion and we will find out the tricks.

If you have trouble understanding English, you can try apps, online resources and native tutors. With AmazingTalker you can connect with one-on-one English Tutors that can help you improve your English, you can also find tutors like Spanish Tutors!

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Easy techniques to Learn English

We can learn English from our friends too, they can help us a lot and it will be a great environment for us. Let’s discuss more about it.

Why do we learn with Friends?

  1. Learn grammar and lexical resources

We have to learn grammar and practice in regular use, we can talk with each other and practice. We shouldn’t insult or put down the people that we communicate with. This is because people who aren’t used to being talked to disrespectfully sometimes can be offended by what we say. We should also be careful to speak English correctly.

  1. Learn English conversation in a real-life situation
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We should have regular conversations to make comfortable with each other, we also will avoid shyness too. When you want to learn a new language, you have to learn it as quickly as possible. You will be better off if you do this rather than studying the language for a long time. Learning a language by yourself is more effective than learning it from a book.

  1. Learn western culture

Try to understand western culture and  try to practice in your regular Life.  For instance, you can spend time with your friends and family members..


How to Learn with Friends

  1. Use suitable Resources: Websites have copyrights and subtitles
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We can learn English from movies and TV Series. These programs include English subtitles so that you can understand what is being said. You should listen carefully to all the dialogue. After watching a TV show, you can write down all the new words and phrases that you learned so that you remember them later on.

  1. Pay attention to phrases and their uses in context

We have to use phrases and new words in regular conversation. It’s important to speak to people in English. As much as phrases and idioms you use, you can be more confident in your speaking and you will have a better grip on conversation.

  1. Listen to the conversation and read it out loud
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Take part in conversation and become a part of the conversation, that makes you a better speaker. One way to get smarter is to listen to interesting conversations. It is possible to learn new vocabulary and phrases by simply listening to interesting conversations. Once you participate in the conversation, it is very easy to learn new vocabulary and expressions.

  1. Learn its meaning and usage

Learn new words and phrases, know the meaning and use them. It will give you a better grip on words. Communication is vital for humans. Our language skills are developed when we learn and practice using our words. You can talk about anything and everything. Talk about yourself, what interests you and what your friends think of. You can ask questions to those you talk with and you can show your interest in someone you know.

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Friends are the closest people we have, we can do the most conversation, testing with them. We can make mistakes with them, but we need to practice with each other. At the end of the day we will learn better than others.

How friends will help us, they will guide us to do better. They will find our mistakes, solve them and tell us how we can do better. That is how friends help each other. On the other hand, we are not shy to each other, so that is the way we can develop and become better.

It is a good idea to have a friend with whom you can share things. This will help you to overcome your fears. If you tell them your weakness, then you will get the necessary guidance from them. It will be easy for you to cope and overcome.

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We have discussed several methods that we can discuss and  practice with our friends. Now you can implement these, but if you want a native tutor’s guidance then you have to reach AmazingTalker, they are an online platform to teach any language.


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