With rising flight prices, people consider taking an alternative when traveling abroad. Some just stay at home. But what is the best way of traveling? Depends on where you want to go. It varies from country to country. If you want to have more time to play TonyBet login you should consider taking either bus or train. Something which will keep you on the ground to have connection anytime.




So let us start with the most obvious advantage: less stress. It is much easier and cheaper to reach the main bus station than the airport. Buses mostly depart from the central train station. So it is very easy to reach this. Also, you do not have to come so far in advance to get the bus rather than a plane. Just go to the right platform and board your bus.

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Plus, the tickets themselves are much cheaper! So you have more money to spend on your vacation. Once you decide to take the bus, you will find that you have a lot more flexibility and simply less stress packing your bag. There are no restrictions on liquids, so you won’t have any nasty surprises like sometimes happens at airports. Also if it is a longer journey the bus will make stops. It gives you time to breathe and walk a bit. Also to get something to eat and drink. So you will be good to go.

Especially in Turkey they stop at several good locations with a cafe. But they also serve some drinks on board. A big plus is also that you can get snacks for free. Everything is provided for free. Comfort is really written in big letters.

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The best part for me is that you always have access to the internet. Either via wifi or mobile data. That means you can really make the most of your time on board. Not like on airplanes. You can work or just keep in touch with your friends and family all the time. You can spend the time watching a movie or your favorite show. However, it can be triggy if you pass a border outside the EU and suddenly you will get a huge bill for using data abroad. So you definitely need to check it before leaving.


The most aesthetic point is the landscape you will discover. Of course, you won’t be above the clouds, but do not underestimate how beautiful the countries are from a different perspective! For example, if you take the bus you will see a lot more of the countryside.. It is breathtaking.

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Even if you have to stay on the bus for more than 10 hours, you will be provided with everything you need. Food and beverages, as well as a station to charge your phone. One of the Turkish bus companies even have small screens where you can watch movies. There is also the possibility to refill water at any time without asking anyone.

Plus, you are more likely to have someone to talk to if you sit across from each other, even if you are traveling alone.  You will find how friendly people can be. They will be happy to share the food they brought with them and tell you a nice story.

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You do not have to worry about Bathrooms since buses normally have them. But even if something goes wrong you will make enough stops.


Now you know all the ups and downs of taking the bus in Turkey and more or less in general. It is up to you to decide whether it is worth it for you or not. But it is highly recommended.


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