Today’s sectionals give you more versatility than ever before. Now that most sectionals are modular in nature, meaning that they are actually several pieces fit together, sectionals can be more affordable and practical, and not just for the growing family. You can choose from different sectional layouts or build your own with modular options. Some sectionals also have tech features, storage, or a fold-out bed to further enhance their functionality.

Here are the most popular sectional configurations and when to use them.

L-shape sectionals

The L-shaped sectional is the traditional style that everyone grew up around. Traditional sectionals are easily paired with a coffee table, cocktail table, or flat-topped storage ottoman. These are also the easiest sectionals to make room for in your living room. You can get sectionals like these with recliners on the end seats, or you can opt for a chaise on one end, the perfect spot for a toddler to curl up and nap.

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Curved sectionals

Curved sectionals are the best option for the luxury living room. Curved sectionals upholstered in fine velvet or linen, particularly when tufted at the back, can give your living room a sophisticated appeal without making it feel as though you can’t kick off your shoes and relax. These sectional couches for sale are perfect if you want to have a luxury feel without the luxury price. Keep in mind that these sectionals are not for small spaces. You will want to place these sectionals in the center of the room rather than against the walls.

U-shape sectionals

Whether you are a college bachelor sharing a pad with your buddies or a family man with a parcel full of kids, U-shape sectionals are great if you have the room to accommodate them. These sectionals are perfect for game nights, family movie nights, or to hold watch parties with your friends. U-shape sectionals are best when they are modular in nature and can be manipulated depending on the needs of the day.

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Modular sectionals

Today’s sectionals are often modular in nature, giving you the ability to move the pieces about to meet your needs of the time. Most modular sectionals will offer an L-shape or U-shape. Curved sectionals may come in pieces for easier movement through doors while moving the furniture, but you will not be able to move the pieces around as you wish, there will be a set configuration.

Modular sectionals usually have at least 4 to 5 pieces and will seat a minimum of 4 to 5 adults. These sectionals give you the most freedom, but they can also add up quickly. Make sure you don’t go overboard and order too many seats for your space. Measure carefully and check against the dimensions of your designed sectional configuration. Don’t forget to leave walk space around the sectional, particularly if it will be in the middle of the room.

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