
Music has been an integral part of human beings’ lives since ancient times. It’s an art form that resonates with our soul, making us happy, motivating, and inspiring us. One of the most influential people in music is Bob Siebenberg, the legendary drummer of Supertramp. With his exceptional talent, impeccable timing, and sharp skill, he has become a world-renowned celebrity. Siebenberg has also become a millionaire drummer, with an impressive net worth of over $6 million, thanks to his success as a musician and astute business acumen.

Early Life and Career

Bob Siebenberg was born on October 31, 1949, in California, and grew up in Glendale, where he played drums in his teens. He started his professional career playing in various bands, but his big break came when he joined the legendary progressive rock band Supertramp in 1973. Siebenberg became the drummer of Supertramp and contributed to several of their hit records, including “The Logical Song,” “Breakfast in America,” and “Take the Long Way Home.” With his incredible drumming skills, he helped Supertramp become one of the most successful bands of the 70s and 80s.

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Financial Success and Net Worth

Bob Siebenberg’s earnings come from primarily two sources – his music career and his business ventures. According to, Siebenberg’s net worth as of 2021 is approximately $6 million. A significant proportion of Siebenberg’s fortune comes from his earnings from Supertramp’s record and tour sales.

Beyond Being a Drummer

Besides his fantastic drumming career, Bob Siebenberg has made several astute financial decisions, which has contributed significantly to his overall net worth. Siebenberg has invested in real estate properties and owns several properties across the US. He also runs an organic farm in California, which produces high-quality olive oil. Siebenberg’s farm venture has been highly successful, earning him a considerable income.

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Philanthropy Work

Bob Siebenberg is not only successful but also generous. He has used his wealth to help the less fortunate. Siebenberg is a significant supporter of the Wildlife Conservation Society and has made substantial donations to the organization. He has praised the organization’s efforts to conserve wildlife and their habitat.


What is Bob Siebenberg’s net worth?

Bob Siebenberg’s net worth as of 2021 is approximately $6 million.

How did Bob Siebenberg become famous?

Bob Siebenberg became famous through his music career. He is the legendary drummer of Supertramp, one of the most successful bands of the 70s and 80s.

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What other business ventures does Bob Siebenberg have apart from his music career?

Apart from his music career, Bob Siebenberg has invested in real estate properties and owns several properties across the US. He also runs an organic farm in California, which produces high-quality olive oil.

What philanthropy work has Bob Siebenberg done?

Bob Siebenberg supports the Wildlife Conservation Society and has made substantial donations to the organization.

What is the main source of Bob Siebenberg’s earnings?

Bob Siebenberg’s earnings come from primarily two sources – his music career and his business ventures.

What hit records has Bob Siebenberg contributed to in Supertramp?

Bob Siebenberg has contributed to several hit records of Supertramp, including “The Logical Song,” “Breakfast in America,” and “Take the Long Way Home.”

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Where does Bob Siebenberg live?

Bob Siebenberg lives in California, where he runs his organic farm and various other businesses.


Bob Siebenberg’s net worth is a testament to his exceptional talent, hard work, and astute business acumen. Beyond his phenomenal drumming talent, his investments in real estate properties, his farming venture, and philanthropy work have contributed significantly to his wealth. His passion for music has indeed opened doors of success beyond his imagination. Bob’s story is one of inspiration, talent, and determination. His incredible journey from a drummer to a millionaire drummer serves as an inspiration to young musicians looking to make it big in the music industry. Whether you adore his music or envy his wealth – we can all learn from Siebenberg’s incredible story.

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