The Surprising Net Worth of Les Mascarilles: How a Hidden Fortune Was Uncovered

Have you ever heard of Les Mascarilles? Well, the name may not ring a bell to most people, but it is associated with an incredible story of hidden wealth that was revealed recently. Les Mascarilles was the name of a theater company in France, and after it closed down in the 1960s, the directors disappeared, never to be heard of again. As it turned out, they had stashed away a fortune in their house that remained undiscovered until a few years ago.

Here’s how the story goes.

1. The Mysterious Disappearance of Les Mascarilles

Les Mascarilles was a renowned theater company that operated in France in the 20th century. The company gained popularity for staging entertaining and thought-provoking plays that attracted large crowds. Despite its success, the company closed down abruptly in the 1960s, and the directors vanished without a trace. No one knew where they went or what became of them.

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2. The House that Hid a Fortune

Fast forward to the 21st century, a new family had moved into the house that used to belong to the directors of Les Mascarilles. The new homeowners made an extraordinary discovery when they found a safe with €500,000 hidden behind a fake wall on the ground floor. They notified the authorities, and an official investigation was launched.

3. The Unveiling of the Hidden Wealth

Authorities carried out a thorough search of the house, and to their amazement, they discovered more hidden rooms containing suitcases of money, gold, and silver worth over €3million. The house had been hiding the wealth of the long-missing directors of Les Mascarilles for decades. The directors had cunningly concealed their fortune, and no one had suspected a thing.

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4. The Legal Battle that Ensued

The discovery of the hidden fortune sparked a legal battle between the descendants of the directors and the new homeowners who found the money. The descendants of the directors claimed that the wealth belonged to their family and that it was stolen by the new homeowners. The new homeowners, on the other hand, argued that they were the rightful owners since they bought the house legally.

5. The Resolution of the Legal Battle

After several years of legal wrangling, the court ruled in favor of the new homeowners. The court stated that the directors of Les Mascarilles had left the property to the descendants as inheritance. However, the wealth was not included in the will, making it the legal property of the new homeowners who discovered it.

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6. The Aftermath of the Discovery

The discovery of the hidden wealth of Les Mascarilles drew global attention, with many people wondering how the directors had managed to hide their fortune for so long. The story raised questions about inheritance laws, estate planning, and the importance of creating a will. It also highlighted the need for thorough background checks when buying property.

7. FAQs

Q. Who were the directors of Les Mascarilles?

The directors of Les Mascarilles were a theater company that operated in France in the 20th century.

Q. How much was the hidden fortune worth?

The hidden fortune was worth over €3 million, with suitcases of money, gold and silver being discovered.

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Q. How did the new homeowners discover the hidden fortune?

The new homeowners found a safe with €500,000 hidden behind a fake wall on the ground floor, which prompted authorities to launch an investigation.

Q. Who was awarded legal ownership of the wealth?

The court ruled in favor of the new homeowners, stating that although the directors had left the property to their descendants in their will, the hidden wealth was not included and therefore belonged to the new homeowners who discovered it.

Q. Why did the directors stash away their wealth in the house?

It is still unknown why the directors of Les Mascarilles chose to hide their wealth, but it is rumored that they wanted to evade tax collectors.

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Q. What did the story highlight?

The story highlighted the importance of estate planning, creating a will, and doing thorough background checks when buying property.

Q. What lesson can we learn from the story?

The story teaches us the importance of planning ahead and setting one’s affairs in order, especially when it comes to estate planning and managing one’s finances.


The Les Mascarilles story is a remarkable one that tells of a hidden fortune that remained undiscovered for decades. It draws attention to the importance of creating a will and ensuring that one’s affairs are in order. The story emphasizes the need for thorough background checks when buying property and highlights the consequences of not doing so.

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It is indeed surprising to know that hidden fortunes can exist in plain sight, and one can only wonder how many others may be lying undiscovered out there. In conclusion, we should all plan and prepare for our future, and not leave things to chance.

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