You open your books, and notes and sit with full determination to study, but as you start going through your notes and books, you feel like your eyes are just glazing over the words and nothing is getting into your mind. It’s a learner’s block and students do face it, especially during the exams time when they have lots of revision to do. Now many of you don’t know what a learner’s block means.


A learner’s Block is the inability of the learner or student to learn or perceive anything for a while, during the learner’s block students are unable to learn anything even if they try hard; no matter how easy or complex a chapter or topic is.

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Students face learner’s block due to many reasons like:

  • Not feeling well or motivated to do anything.
  • Unavailability of a proper learning environment.
  • Subjects or topics are uninteresting and not challenging enough.
  • Feeling tense and anxious, especially during exam times.

Learner’s block is a real problem and it affects the learning abilities and academic performance of the students. Because, if students are facing this block they wouldn’t be able to understand a thing taught by teachers, let alone self-studying during this time. However, there are ways through which students can themselves pull out from this mental block; and not just hear the lectures on the online teaching app or glaze their eyes over the words in books. But understand and learn things.

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So learners keep reading the article, to know some tips for breaking your learner’s block.


Take A Break: Take a break! Now you will say that this learner’s block is a break in itself because you are not studying or doing anything, right? Wrong, because even when you are not learning or doing anything, you are fretting about it. When we are telling students to take a break, it means to take a break from worrying and studying. Stop forcing yourself to study, because even if you sit and try hard to learn or even do rote learning, it’s all going to be a waste. Instead, try to relax, and take it as the opportunity to retrospect why you’re feeling like this; refresh your mind and recharge your body, then come back.

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One Task At A Time: One of many reasons why students face a learner’s block is they try to overdo it. Yes, it’s good to work hard and push yourself out of your comfort zone. However, if you set unrealistic goals for yourself, you are only going to feel burdened and overwhelmed which will block your brain. Instead try to set small, realistic and attainable goals so that you can achieve them and feel good; and this will keep the learner’s block at bay too.


Revise The Known Topics: When students try to learn and understand something during the learner’s block and are unable to do it, they feel frustrated and this makes the situation more problematic. So learners instead of picking up the new chapter to read, revise the chapters you know and have learned already. This will not only make you feel productive but also motivate you to come out of your mental block.

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Declutter Your Place: As mentioned earlier, one of the reasons for facing a learner’s block is the unavailability of the right learning environment; the human mind soaks up the energy it receives from its surroundings, whether it’s positive energy or negative. Keeping your study room or area clean is important, remove all the clutter, throw those waste papers away, and organise your book-shelf and study table. Now, see your place, is it looking more open and clean and you are feeling those positive vibes, that will motivate you to pick up your books and sit to study.


Fix-Up Your Schedule: There are so many things that students have to do like attending online classes on the app to teach online, making notes, revising and writing assignments. But in-between all these things students often forget small yet important things. Like taking a break between long study sessions, drinking water and eating properly on time. Please, fix up your schedule and make time for your mental and physical health.

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